About Pu Luong

In Pu Luong, climate is usually cool, air is fresh and people here are hospitable. You will have opportunity to visit the villages where Thai Den people live, surrounded by the vast green terraced fields, majestic mountains and pure water streams.

Best Time To Visit Pu Luong

* In May and June, Pu Luong is immersed in the green of terraced fields.

* In September and October, weather is cool and fresh, the whole valley is covered in yellow of ripe rice fields

(Feb - Apr)

Peach blossoms in full bloom

Sunny and warm

Light drizzle

Fog spreads the way

Trees wake up and spout

(May - Jul)

Hot and dry

Scorching hot

Sudden thunderstorms

Rice is lushly green in the fields

Forest cicadas singing

(Aug - Oct)

Nice and pleasant

Fresh air

Golden rice is fragrant on the fields

Fog spreads in the valley

The most beautiful time of the year

(Nov - Jan)

Cold winter

Mist spreads all over the roads

Sad bare tree branches

Gloomy tropical jungle


Currently, there are many accommodations selling package including round-trip transportation from Hanoi to Pu Luong. Pu Luong is about 170km from Hanoi and about 130km from Thanh Hoa city. Driving time is about 5-6 hours. You can conveniently travel to Mai Chau as well.

Explore Pu Luong

Pu Luong - paradise among thousands

A place with rivers, mountains, streams and terraced fields combined to create an extremely rustic and idyllic scene. The beauty of Pu Luong is very special, suitable for you to put aside the chaos of life and immerse yourself in nature. When coming to Pu Luong, in addition to the areas with terraced fields, people should go to the deep points in the village, waterfalls, mountains and caves... The beautiful natural scenery and peaceful village will bring you a feeling of great excitement. Pu Luong is really an ideal "healing" place for young people. Every season, Pu Luong seems to be changed into a new shirt. In particular, in the ripe rice season, the terraced fields are bright yellow covering the hillside. Low in the distance are the stilt houses of the Thai ethnic group nestled in the shadow under the limestone mountains mixed with lowland mountains, making the scene more unique. Although it is located in the Central region full of sunshine and wind, Pu Luong has quite mild and pleasant weather and climate. Even on the hottest summer days, the weather here is always cool because it is surrounded by mountains and trees. The most beautiful season to come to Pu Luong is June and October. This is the time when Pu Luong is beautiful because of the golden color of ripe rice, successively forming a brilliant area. In about 2 weeks, the rice will be ripe and yellow and in the harvest season, so everyone can arrange a plan to go to Pu Luong to see the golden season, take pictures with the vast sea of rice. In this season, local people will build huts to create a stop for tourists to watch and rest. Coming here, visitors can enjoy specialty dishes such as Co Lung duck, stream fish and stone snails for the people themselves.  Coming to Pu Luong this season, everyone should follow a thin coat, because the temperature in the evening drops, so it is quite cold. In addition, there are quite a few shops on this list, so you need to plan to choose a homestay in advance to conveniently rest and explore the next places. Getting to Pu Luong is not difficult. If traveling from Hanoi, visitors can choose to travel by car or motorbike. If you are a person with a solid steering wheel who likes to experience, you can ride a motorbike to admire the majestic passes, enjoy the panoramic view of Pu Luong Valley. However, this road is quite steep with many passes, so you need to be careful to ensure safety. Source: VietnamTravel Photo: Pham Van Phong

Nature & Adventure 03/06/2024

Pu Luong - paradise among thousands

Each season, Pu Luong has a different beauty, when it is the blooming green of young rice or the iridescent yellow color of rice in the harvest season.

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Pu Luong Retreat is nestled in Pu Luong National Reserve, offering an impressive experience of exploring nature, learning about the culture and life of the locals.
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Hidden behind forests, surrounded by large mountains, Pu Luong valley has a cool climate all year round, favorably named by many tourists, favorably named "Little Sapa in the middle of Thanh country".
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