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Pu Luong travel guide for ripe rice season

Translated by Bing
As a nature reserve located in Ba Thuoc and Quan Hoa districts, Thanh Hoa province, Pu Luong is about 4 hours by road from Hanoi. Pu Luong can be reached by motorbike, self-driving car or motorbike.


From Hanoi, follow Highway 6 through Mai Chau, Hoa Binh, then follow Highway 15C to Co Luong, Dong Dien to Pu Luong. If from Thanh Hoa, visitors run Ho Chi Minh trail back to the Northwest, to Cam Thuy town, continue to Branch Nang town, turn to road 15C for another 10 km to come.

Currently, many accommodation places sell combos including Hanoi - Pu Luong round trip car and rooms priced from 800,000 VND per person per  night. In addition, guests traveling in groups can rent a private car package or pick up a passenger car priced at VND 300,000 per person for a return ticket, a higher quality car costs about VND 500,000.

When coming to Pu Luong, visitors come to attractions, villages by motorbike, bicycle or trekking. Many accommodations offer these services with a guide.



Currently, homestays, motels and resorts in Pu Luong are more and more but still ensure the environmental landscape of nature reserves and develop ecotourism. For nature lovers and those who like to learn about indigenous culture, visitors can choose to stay at homestays, homestays on stilts in Kho Muong, Kieu, Hieu villages... Price from 100,000 VND per night.

Besides, visitors who like luxury resorts also have many accommodation options at resorts such as Pu Luong Retreat, Pu Luong Eco Garden, Pu Luong Natura, Ciel del Puluong, Pu Luong Tree House, Pu Luong Hillside Lodge ... Prices range from 300,000 VND to more than 1,000,000 VND per night. These places have spacious rooms, infinity pool, lovely miniatures, super beautiful rice view... Due to its association with ecotourism, often resorts do not have televisions, air conditioners ... However, rooms are always clean, airy, with basic amenities.

Where to play

Located on the road from Mai Chau to Pu Luong, Son Ba Ten are 3 highland villages in Lung Cao commune, Ba Thuoc district, with a mild climate, temperature of 18 - 22 degrees Celsius. This place is quite isolated from the outside, so up to now, there are many customs of ancient Thai people, traditional stilt houses with many characteristics of local people. Overcoming steep slopes and twists, visitors stopping at Son Ba Muoi will enjoy the peaceful pace of life amidst majestic natural scenery.

Dive deeper into the core of Pu Luong Reserve, Hieu village Famous for Hieu Waterfall There is a clear and strong current, flowing in many layers that attract visitors to cool off. At the foot of the waterfall are natural "baths", transparent water, cool summer and warm winter. In addition to bathing in waterfalls, you should also visit palm hills, terraced fields, primeval forests.

About 11km from Hieu Waterfall is Shrimp Village or Cham Stream, where there are huge piles of water and experience floating on the river with bamboo rafts. The duration of the rafting tour is 1 hour, each raft can carry 8-14 people, priced at 50,000 VND per person.

In addition, visitors do not forget the experience of hiking through the terraced fields, cycling, bamboo rafting on the river ... or simply relax, read a book and breathe fresh air

Pu Luong Peak About 1,700 m high, it is one of the peaks trekkers love to conquer because the way up the mountain is quite steep with many dangerous and winding sections. It takes about 6 hours in good weather to climb to Pu Luong peak. Standing on the top of Pu Luong, you can fully admire the poetic scenery of mountains, forests, fields, valleys at the foot of the mountain.

Ban Don is a place where a large number of Thai people live. In the past 2-3 years, domestic and foreign tourists have come to Don village more and more. The village has a peaceful space, pristine natural landscape with many attractive specialties such as forest shoots, ducks, wild boars, hill chickens, squash vegetables, rubber tops ...

Ban Kho Muong and Bat Cave are the most attractive places in Pu Luong that visitors should not miss. Although the road to Kho Muong is difficult to go because of the zigzag slope on the cliff, by the abyss, everyone must be amazed by the hidden beauty of this place. Just from a distance, you can see the stilt roofs, rice fields, corn spreading and the undulating mountains surrounding the village.

Walk from the beginning of the village through a large rice field to near the end of the trail Bat Cave or Kho Muong cave. Limestone stalactites formed about 250 million years ago created this cave. It is also home to many species of bats. The deeper you go into the cave, the more visitors will see a vast space covered by strangely shaped stalactites.

Pho Lanh Market takes place every 5th and Sunday. Here you not only experience the highland market but also shop for souvenirs, local products and specialty dining. The special feature is that the market still operates in a way that exchanges goods at par with value, rarely seeing challenges and bids.


Pu Luong's specialty is Co Luong duck. Lean duck meat, firm and fragrant, grilled with charcoal, costs 450,000 VND per bird, enough for 3-4 people. Besides, you can book the host dishes such as stone snails, hill chicken, grilled brook duck, roasted wild boar, sour bamboo shoots, bitter bamboo shoots, forest vegetable soup, lam rice, banana flower mannequin ...

Suggested schedules

Day 1: Son Ba Muoi - Ban Hieu - Thac Hieu

Day 2: Climb Pu Luong peak - Ban Don

Day 3: Kho Muong village - Bat cave - Pho Doan market

According to VnE

Image source: Multiple authors
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