About Gia Lai

Gia Lai is a vast region of the Central Highlands and has abundant tourist potentials with spectacular landscapes. When you explore Gia Lai, you will be immersed in the cool flowery atmosphere, and be able to capture the irresistible natural beauty.

Gia Lai Province has Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reverse with primitive forests and a variety of endangered animals, plants. Streams, lakes and waterfalls such as Phu Cuong Waterfall, Bien Ho T'nung Lake; hills and mountains such as Chu Dang Ya Volcano, Ham Rong Mount,... There are also artificial landscapes such as rubber forests, immense coffee and green tea hills.

Best Time To Visit Gia Lai

Gia Lai is divided into two distinct seasons: the rainy and the dry, which is rich in humidity and heavy rainfall. It is mainly the red basaltic soil in Gia Lai, so roads become muddy during the rainy season, which is not suitable for travelling.

The best time to visit Gia Lai is the dry season from November to April next year. In November, the wild sunflowers begin to bloom and March is the season of white coffee flowers.

Dry Season
(Jan - Mar)

Cool and pleasant weather

Coffee flowers bloom white in the valley

Jubilant festivals in Central Highlands

Sunny mornings and cold foggy nights

Clouds cover the rubber forest

Dry Season
(Apr - Jun)

It's hot during the day

Cold foggy nights

The fairy K50 Waterfall

Trekking in the National Park in dry season

Rainy Season
(Jul - Sep)

Weather changes suddenly

It's chilly at night

Red soil is slippery

Mist spreads all over the roads

Dry Season
(Oct - Dec)

Cool and pleasant weather

Red ripe coffee

Rubber leaves change color

The valley engulfed in mist

Mild sunshine, clear sky

Wildflowers light up the volcano


There are many ways to travel to Gia Lai, however, the most common means of transportation are bus and airplane. The bus from Saigon to Gia Lai normally takes about eight hours and departs at night. You should get a ticket on the shuttle bus to be comfortable during your long journey.Gia Lai has Pleiku Airport about 4km from the city center. The flights depart from Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City are quite frequent.

Explore Gia Lai

Pleiku – The best sleeping city in Vietnam

Sleep tourism - this phrase has skyrocketed since the pandemic and since then, many tourism establishments have concentrated a lot of infrastructure to serve people who are sleep deprived. If you intend to "join" this trend in Vietnam, you can consider one of these cities in Central Vietnam: Pleiku City. The destination is worth experiencing because of the typical natural scenery, unique cuisine and especially the extremely pleasant climate. Because of the ideal temperature, this place is known as the "best sleeping" city in Vietnam. Photo: Nine Doan With an average annual temperature of only about 23 degrees Celsius, the hottest summer is only 33 degrees Celsius, and the coldest winter is 8 degrees Celsius, this place is ideal for sleeping. It is even easier to fall asleep here because of the high hilly terrain, so there is fresh air. Both locals and tourists who have visited Pleiku admit that the weather here is difficult to wake anyone who is sleeping. Photo: Nguyen Chi Nam While giving us a quality sleep and fresh air, Pleiku is also named "city for health". Not as famous as Da Lat or Sapa, Ha Giang, but in the mountain town there are many special features, attracting a large number of tourists to visit. Bien Ho or T'nung Lake (Ea Nueng Lake) is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Central Highlands, worthy of the name "The eyes of Pleiku Bien Ho are full". The Pleiku landscape also has vertical slopes, pine forests or Chu Dang Ya volcano. The best time to visit this place is definitely from December to March because this time there will be coffee flowers and wildflowers blooming all over the beautiful plateau. The wildflower season on Chu Dang Ya volcano makes many tourists and backpackers fascinated when traveling to Gia Lai. Photo: Shutter stock Sleep tourism has grown strongly around the world. In stark contrast to traditional forms of tourism, sleep tourism offers visitors very different experiences. Instead of visiting here, you will focus on using services that meet your sleep needs. Photo: Shutter stock In search of a night's sleep, try going to Pleiku. Synthetic Migo

Nature & Adventure 04/01/2024

Pleiku – The best sleeping city in Vietnam

With an average annual temperature of only about 23 degrees Celsius, the hottest in summer is 33 degrees Celsius, and the coldest in winter is 8 degrees Celsius, this place is indeed an ideal place to sleep.

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In the days of December, I drove my car back to the golden season of the Central Highlands, where the red soil mixed behind the wheels, the rubber forests echoed in the sun and the aroma of coffee wafted all over the roads.
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Located in the Kon Chu Rang Forest Reserve with an area of nearly 15.5 thousand hectares, in K'bang district (Gia Lai), K50 waterfall falls from a height of 54m, creating a beauty like Bong Lai.
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