Phu Thuong beach is located in Phu Thuong village of An Hoa commune, Tuy An district, 15km from the center of Tuy Hoa city in the direction of the North. If you want to get to this beach from the center of Tuy Hoa city, you should move in the direction of the North, along the coastal route of Tuy An district. on National Highway 1, turn right in the direction of Tan Dinh, Tan An, Phu Thuong villages. When coming to Phu Thuong village, ask the people for directions to the beach.

The beach is separated by Nhon Hoi fishing village and stretches about 3km from the rocky cape area of Bai Truong to the area of Hon Yen cape. The sea is shaped like a bow with the limit being the foot of the Ma Cao Bien rock to Hon Yen. It is because of its special geographical location that the beach here has a beautiful arc shape with golden sand stretching from the inland to the surface of the waves. The sea water here is clear blue, small waves and shallow seas, so it forms an ideal beach.

Unlike many other beaches in Phu Yen, the beach in Phu Thuong still retains its inherent pristine features and has almost not been affected by human hands. In addition, because it is located far from residential areas, from the sand to the water surface here is extremely clean. pristine landscape. Checking in at Phu Thuong beach, especially in the early morning, visitors will be able to admire a wonderful scenery with a sparkling sea surface like a mirror reflecting on the rapids and sand.

The sea here is relatively shallow, the water is clear and especially the waves are not too strong but only roll gently in each sand dune, so visitors can freely swim in the sea and soak in the cool water.
At Phu Thuong beach, you can enjoy private moments without fear of being disturbed by anyone or affected by the bustling atmosphere. This place only has the blue sea, white sand and yourself, comfortably connecting with endless nature.

Checking in at Phu Thuong beach, visitors can also explore the slow pace of life of coastal fishermen. Here, every early morning, there will be fishermen pulling a few basket boats to the sea to start a new day, the scenery is simple but also extremely poetic and full of vitality.

People around the Phu Thuong beach area have always had the profession of selling sea to make a living, on days when the sea is calm they will go out to sea from this beach itself. The image of fishing villagers floating on the sea, or the slow pace of life here, will surely evoke peaceful feelings for travelers from far away.
Photo: Le Quoc Hung/SGTT
According to luhanhvietnam