About Y Ty

Dubbed the land of fog, Y Ty is famous for its endless terraced fields and majestic high mountains. This land is also home to four main ethnic groups: Ha Nhi, H'Mong, Dao, and Kinh, so the national cultural identity is very diverse and unique.

Best Time To Visit Y Ty

* September last year - April next year: Cloud hunting season in Nhiu Co San, Lao Than, Ngai Thau

* March and early April: Wild azaleas season when flowers bloom brilliantly throughout the Y Ty primeval forest.

* May - June: The rice fields are picturesque in water season

* September-October: Harvest season when rice fields turn yellow and time for autumn festivals.

* December - January: Winter in Y Ty is likely to have snowfall.

(Feb - Apr)

Light drizzle

The weather gets warmer

Azalea flowers are brilliant in the mountain

Clouds spread all the way

Trekking and cloud hunting season

(May - Jul)

Sudden showers

Sparkling water pouring on terraced fields

The trees are green

Young seedlings in the field

Sunny and hot

(Aug - Oct)

The golden sunshine pours honey

Cool breeze and clear blue sky

Golden rice is fragrant on the fields

Jubilant festival of ripe rice season

The most beautiful time of the year

(Oct - Dec)

Rainy and cold

Temperature drops sharply at night

Frost covered the mountains

Best time for trekking and cloud hunting

The road is slippery


To get to Y Ty, you need to follow 2 stages. Stage 1 from Hanoi to Sapa, Lao Cai. At this stage, you can choose to go by train, shuttle or limousine. The second stage is from Sapa, Lao Cai to Y Ty. Although the distance is only 80km, it takes a long time to go by motorbike or car, approximately 5-6 hours. TThe pass is steep and slippery in winter.

Explore Y Ty

Beautiful scenery on the 'roof of Y Ty' during cloud hunting season

Luo Than Mountain stands in the middle of the clouds of Y Ty sky, Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province. With a height from the foot to the top of the mountain of about 2,862 m, Lao Than is likened to the "roof of Y Ty house". This is also a trekking and cloud hunting destination that "catches the eye" of many tourists when Fansipan, Ta Lead Nhù, Ta Xua ... is all too familiar. In the list of 15 highest peaks in Vietnam, Luo Than ranks 11th with average difficulty. The foothills are mostly gentle slopes, the terrain is arid and rocky but not too complicated. When trekking near the top, thorny trees and bushes will appear. Along the way there are many stops for visitors to rest. "The trekking route is relatively short and not rigorous, suitable for beginners to climb," Nguyen Trong Cung, Thai Binh tourist, shared. This place is a complete blend between the wildness and majesty of mountains and forests and the magic and brilliance of clouds. Many tourists often call Luo Than peak as a "2 in 1" viewing location because you can clearly see the Nhìu Co San mountain range with the sea of clouds around. According to Trong Palace, when trekking at the end of the year to the beginning of the year, visitors can see the diverse vegetation. Maple forests are changing color, green and yellow flaps of leaves intermingle. At the same time, peach and rhododendron orchards are shy, preparing to bloom to welcome spring. On the way, visitors also encounter many other "heterodox flowers" such as chi, mint, immortal daisy ... If you want to hunt clouds on the top of Lu Thun, visitors can climb the mountain in the afternoon and sleep in the shack. The night was dark, and the sky glowed a purple-blue hue. Because this place is not polluted by light, looking through the "sky gate" with dry trees can see the Milky Way and thousands of twinkling stars. Early in the morning, when the sun gradually comes out, the scene becomes even more attractive. Each ray of sunlight crept through the dense layers of clouds, stacked right beneath the visitors' feet. The horizon is also tinted orange. It all makes for a satisfying picture of the dawn. The cloud hunting season in Luo Than runs from October to March 3. To hunt for clouds, visitors need to see the weather forecast and start the trip after rainy days, when the air humidity is high. If you see a thick fog at the foot of the mountain, there is a high chance that there will be clouds at the top. In addition, on the top of Lu Than there are some beautiful check-in corners such as dry tree stumps protruding like dragons, cliffs or vast limestone massifs, facing directly towards the sea of clouds. To have a convenient trekking trip, visitors need to prepare neat clothes, gloves with non-slip rubber cushions, hiking boots, hats, raincoats, personal flashlights, waterproof backpacks. At the same time, it is necessary to bring thermal pastes, personal wound dressings and canned food, water. According to Zing Photo: Nguyen Trong Cung

Nature & Adventure 20/02/2024

Beautiful scenery on the 'roof of Y Ty' during cloud hunting season

The sea of white clouds floats, the thin mist creeps through the changing maple leaves, turning the peak into a magical trekking spot.

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The flea market of Ha Nhi, Mong, Giay ethnic groups in the border commune of Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province, is brilliant with the colors of traditional brocade costumes, agricultural products and folk dishes in the region.
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Den Sang is a beautiful and peaceful destination with terraced fields and beautiful golden sunny roads, on the way to Y Ty of Bat Xat province.
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