Cat Co Beach

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Cat Co Beach, Cat Hai, Hai Phong
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Cat Co Beach is currently divided into 3 main areas: Cat Co 1, Cat Co 2 and Cat Co 3. All 3 of these beaches are masterpieces of nature when they are hidden among the mountains and forests. Cat Co beaches are connected by a wooden bridge, with a curved shape leaning against the mountainside. Walking on this somewhat uneven bridge, Cat Ba tourists will feel like they are on the way to a dream. Cat Ba beach appears with a beautiful green scenery to the horizon. With the same name, each Cat Co beach has completely different characteristics. This makes tourists who come here for the first time curious. Each Cat Co beach is beautiful from a different perspective. Cat Co 1 beach is the oldest, most spacious beach and also attracts a large number of Cat Ba 2 days 1 night tour visitors. Cat Co 2 beach is smaller, somewhat more peaceful and quiet. Cat Co 3 Beach is the newest and most modern beach among the 3 Cat Co beaches. In particular, the sea here is quite deep with many large waves, so it is quite suitable for sports activities and adventure games.
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Very Good

1 Reviews

You can either sit and enjoy the view or take a long walk enjoying the fresh air

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