ExperiencesFood & DrinksDelicious and irresistible hot snacks in Hanoi winter
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Food & Drinks

Delicious and irresistible hot snacks in Hanoi winter

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The colder it gets, the more snacks provoke Hanoians' sense of smell and hungry stomach every afternoon. Take a look at what you're thinking about for your afternoon meal.

Stir tea both sweet and fragrant sugar tea with a warm ginger smell, and supple with ripe sticky rice seeds. Very attractive dishes are chosen by the ladies and sisters in the afternoon. Famous Hanoi has Ba Thin sticky rice, Ba Cu tea ...

Photo: Oc Co Hoai

Hot snails!

The hot snail blew while eating, almost rubbing the pungent taste of the bowl of lemongrass ginger dipping sauce. Many snail shops throughout Hanoi sell steamed clams, quail eggs, fried spring rolls ...

Photo: Tungbo0107

Potato cake, fried banana cake...

All are hot and stinky, eating both hunger relief and cheap, the average price is only about 6,000 - 7,000 VND / unit.

Photo: ELIF

Snail noodles.

It was cold, almost rubbing the sour juice of the delicious snail noodle soup. The best in Hanoi has Hang Chai snail noodles, Luong Ngoc Quyen or Luong Van Can snail noodles.

Photo: Kitchen addiction

Rib porridge

heartwarming winter afternoons. Rib porridge is a simple rustic dish, just a pot of porridge and a few chairs. The bowl of porridge is not eaten to fill up, but to eat through hunger. Ly Quoc Su or Hang Bo rib porridge, or Dong Xuan market are all delicious.

Photo: Flower Kitchen

Young heart Sip with a little shrimp paste or fish sauce, a soft piece of lips.

Photo: Knowledge Online

Hot spring cakes. The afternoon menu is indispensable for greasy spring cakes with all kinds of accompaniments such as melon, nugget rolls ... The famous delicious spring cakes must be mentioned as Thuy Khue spring cake, Kim Lien spring cake or in Nghia Tan market.

Lam Linh

Image source: Multiple authors
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