ExperiencesFood & DrinksA must-try delicacy when coming to the West during the floating water season
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Food & Drinks

A must-try delicacy when coming to the West during the floating water season

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Traveling to the West in the floating water season from 8 to 11 months every year, you will have the opportunity to enjoy wild dishes such as spirit fish hotpot, crazy cotton, grilled hamsters ...

Spirit fish hotpot

From the upper reaches of the Mekong River, spirit fish follow the silt stream to the West as a generous gift of nature's floating waters.

The spirit fish is put in a pot of boiling hot pot, along with vegetables, to just cook until it retains its sweetness. The sweetness of the fish, the crunch of crazy cotton, water lilies, the delicate sour of vinegar, the spicy spicy of chili peppers, combine into an unforgettable scent.


Rats are something many people dare not try. However, hamster meat is considered by many people to be delicious and has a different taste. In the West, roasted rats are famous. The fat mice after cleaning, preliminary processing and then seasoning spices such as salt, chili, lemongrass ... Next, the chef will hook each one into the lu. The success of the dish lies in the grilling stage, the chef must constantly turn and turn the meat evenly, add fat, spices. The rat meat when cooked exudes a sharp aroma, tenderness and very crispy skin.

Crazy cotton classic

A vivid sight of the West during the floating water season is the fiery yellow color on the banks of canals and riverbanks from crazy cotton. Just pick up the petioles, wash them, and there is an additional simple gift that adorns the dishes here. Therefore, many people take advantage of this ingredient to create many dishes that keep diners engaged.

Crazy cotton has many types of processing, from simple to sophisticated. Every day I am lazy to go to the market, just pick crazy to stir-fry garlic, it is enough to be full and sure. More attractive is the spirit fish sour soup pot with golden colors. Crazy crunchy, when eaten bitter but with a sweet taste in the throat, talking about this is also craving. Besides, Westerners also take advantage of crazy dishes to make stir-fried cloves, pancakes, fish noodles, vegetables dipped in stock dishes ...

Gun Cotton Hotpot

Like crazy cotton, water lilies are a familiar dish of Westerners every season. Water lilies are attractive in their spongy crunch and taste. If you eat directly, you will feel the freshness in your throat along with a little sweetness, a little attractive flesh. 

Truss fish

Truss fish seems to have become a brand that guarantees the rustic but delicate culinary taste of Southern people. The fragrant truss fish meat is firm, white and nutritious, the taste of sweet truss fish is very unforgettable.

Any kind of processed truss fish does not lose its sweet and fragrant meat taste. Each type of processing leads diners to a different shade of this fish. Hot pot truss fish is sweet, grilled truss fish is sweet and rich. The fish is stocked, and the fat flesh gives rice.


Image source: Internet

Image source: Multiple authors
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