ExperiencesNature & AdventureRipe rice calendar in the mountainous highlands of Northern Vietnam
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Nature & Adventure

Ripe rice calendar in the mountainous highlands of Northern Vietnam

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The ripe rice season in the northern highlands is always one of the most impressive moments that anyone wants to come and experience. However, the calendar of highland rice ripening often does not have an exact date, depending on the time of rice transplantation as well as the annual weather.


Rice in Sapa will usually ripen yellow between the last week of August and mid-September. The outstanding ripe rice spot this year is Nam Cang. The ripe rice spots are usually Ta Van, Hau Hao, Ta Phin, Ta Giang Phong, Muong Hum. Currently, Sapa rice is ripe yellow and harvested by people until mid-September.

Y Rat

The ripe rice area in Y Ty includes areas from the A Lu side (heading from Bat Xat to enter) to Thien Sinh Valley and then continuing to the side of Amaranth Sang, Den Hang, Muong Hum and then into Sapa.

Depending on the year, rice ripens sooner or later, but in Y Ty will be most beautiful between the last week of August and the week of September 3. However, at this time of year, there are often rains and floods, so the road to Y Ty has severe damage, unable to move in. Remember to pay attention to the weather before you go. Sieve Ma Flute, Y Rat is in beauty and will be reaped in the 3rd week of September.

Around October 10, you can combine cloud hunting climbing in Y Ty.

Mu Cang Chai

Rice in Mu Cang Chai ripens later, usually between mid-September and the first week of October. Along the road from Nghia Lo to Mu Cang Chai, you will pass through Tu Le field, up Khau Pha pass overlooking Cao Pha Valley, Lìm Thai and Lìm Mong villages. Further towards the district center are La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha, De Xu Phanh communes ... Along the way to Mu Cang Chai, you will pass through Muong Lo and Tu Le granaries that are still green. In the 3rd week of September, Mu Cang Chai will ripen.

Mu Cang Chai ripe rice season will often have a paragliding program to see Cao Pha valley held every year.

Huang Sufei

The ripe rice season is around the 3rd week of September and lasts until the end of October. In Hoang Su Fei, the beautiful spots to photograph ripe rice are Ban Phhung, Ho Thau, Thong Nguyen, Nam Ty, Ban Luoc, Shan Xa Ho. This year, Ban Phung rice will ripen from September 10.

The trip will be very beautiful if you combine climbing West Kunling mountain, watching Hoang Su Fei ripe rice, walking on the buckwheat triangle fields in Suoi Tender and going to Bac Ha market.


Bac Son rice field is too famous, but Bac Son rice field often has different planting times, so it is often like a picture with many color patches. The time to go to Bac Son to see rice is also quite comfortable, from 7-11 months, you will always see the beautiful ripe rice . 

Ban Gioc Waterfall

Perhaps few people notice that this land also has ripe rice, rice fields at the foot of Ban Gioc Waterfall usually ripens around mid-October. You can choose to go to Ban Gioc Waterfall to see rice before or after 5-7 days from the middle of the month. 

Mai Chau

One of the beautiful spots in the ripe rice season is Mai Chau. Since September 9, the whole valley of Mai Chau is fragrant with a strong aroma of ripe rice. A new day begins when the crested bird sings, pinching the first rice tree. Opening the door was a dreamy scene. The dew still lingered over the dark green of the field, the taste of moist soil, of fragrant glutinous rice, of throne grass rushing into the sense of smell.

Pu Luong

Every 9-10 months, rice in Pu Luong nature reserve ripens, attracting travel and photography lovers. This year is expected to ripen rice from the beginning of October, the terraced fields in Pu Luong are gradually ripening from the outer area of Ban Cong commune to the core area of the protected area such as Don village, Hieu village, Kho Muong village... In addition to hunting for the golden season, visitors on the way from Hanoi can visit Mai Chau (Hoa Binh), trekking Pu Luong mountain, Bat cave, bathing in Hieu waterfall ...

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Image source: Multiple authors
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