ExperiencesNature & AdventureOolong Sapa Tea Hill - Muse in the Northwest
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Nature & Adventure

Oolong Sapa Tea Hill - Muse in the Northwest

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In Sapa town (Lao Cai), although there are no vast tea trees far to the horizon, Oolong tea hill still makes visitors flinch by its unique beauty that is rare anywhere. The tea hill is located about 7km northwest of Sapa town, located on National Highway 4D towards Bac Waterfall, O Quy Ho pass.

At the end of November to December, oolong tea hill put on a gorgeous, romantic new shirt, created by hundreds of cherry blossom trees. This beauty is the delicate harmony of nature and human hands. The combination of the blue of the sky, mountains, tea trees and pink of flowers, Oolong Sapa tea hill every winter is beautiful like a romantic picture, making anyone passing by go from one emotion to another: surprise, vibration to passion.

From a distance, each tea hill is like bowls one after another, interspersed with cherry blossom trees, nestled in rolling hills and mountains, white clouds. At the moment of dawn, Oolong tea hill is like a muse that has just awakened, shimmering and gentle. And at sunset, when the sky turns color until the last "drop" of sunshine falls, the scene becomes magical and poetic.

Step into the tea hill, walk on the small streets, watch the green buds full of vitality, inhale the smell of earth, dew, fragrant leaves to feel all the freshness and purity here. The petals of pale pink cherry blossoms fluttered in the wind, falling slightly to the ground. The scenery is no less than the Japanese spring located right in the middle of the Northwest.

It is known that Oolong is the tea growing and producing farm of a Taiwanese owner. Therefore, in the middle of the tea plant, there is a processing plant. You will also come across farmers harvesting tea. At a time when it is not crowded with visitors, the Oolong scene is as peaceful as any tea farm in other highland regions.

Last year, when the 4th epidemic had not yet broken out, the tea plantation opened to welcome visitors freely and free of charge. But this year, to ensure safety against the epidemic, the tea hill is closed again. However, you can see the tea hill from above when walking along Highway 4C.

During the day, there are 2 times you can not miss to admire the most beautiful scenery of the tea plantation, which are from 6h-9am and 15h-17pm. This is the most beautiful time of light, highlighting the pink color of flowers, more vibrant than ever. This is also the time when photographers gather to be able to hunt for the best photos. You need to depart from Sapa town when it is not yet light in the cold of 5 degrees Celsius to reach the oolong tea hill before the first ray of sunshine of the day appears. I firmly believe that the waking sunrise on the oolong tea hill is a worthy reward for those efforts.

Are you ready to wake up early?

Writer: Le Phuong

Photo: Le Phuong, Internet

Image source: Multiple authors
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