ExperiencesFood & Drinks6 delicious specialties "aching armpits" must try when coming to Binh Thuan
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Food & Drinks

6 delicious specialties "aching armpits" must try when coming to Binh Thuan

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In addition to beautiful tourist destinations, Binh Thuan also has a unique and diverse culinary culture, making many tourists fascinated forget the way back. Let's find out the special Binh Thuan specialties right below.

1. Hot pot of sea bream

The barb, also known as the squeeze fish, is a fish that grows well in the waters of the Central South. This is considered a typical seafood in Binh Thuan, commonly used to prepare dishes.

Most especially, it is the main ingredient to make sea bass hotpot with typical flavors of Binh Thuan people. Dishes are sold from popular sidewalk shops to luxury restaurants in Binh Thuan. Therefore, when traveling to this place, you can easily taste this dish.

The fish hotpot is thoroughly seasoned with many flavors and then cooked with broth, served with fresh noodles, raw vegetables and indispensable cups of delicious fish sauce. The taste of sea bass blends with tomatoes, sorrel, mint, okra ... creating a delicious and faint taste of the sea. This is the most worth trying when traveling in Binh Thuan land.

2. Apricot fish salad

If you have ever "traveled" in the North, you must have tasted apricot fish salad in Hai Phong. Likewise, the salad also has a bold version of Central flavor.

Apricot fish salad has a slightly sophisticated way of processing. To make a standard Binh Thuan dish, you need to remove all the bones, let them dry and then squeeze the salad. This specialty requires a little patience but the results are well worth it. Apricot fish salad often has a blend of sour, spicy, sweet, served with a typical dipping sauce that is both delicious and exotic, stimulating the taste buds of diners.

Apricot fish salad rolled rice paper served with raw vegetables

3. Phan Thiet cake

Banh re is a long-standing typical pastry in Phan Thiet. The cake has a delicious and crispy taste, so many tourists buy food along the road or as gifts for relatives and friends. The main ingredients of the cake are made from sweet potatoes, sugar, malt ... Banh rê contains a whole culinary culture of Phan Thiet land.. Cakes are sold everywhere in Phan Thiet, from roadside shops, markets, craft villages ... Therefore, you can easily find and buy when coming here.

Cakes are sold everywhere in Phan Thiet

4. Fatty guttered convex fish

Convex fish - a seasonal fish that appears most in the 7th - 9th lunar month in Binh Thuan waters. This fish is also used to make many specialty dishes such as convex fish cooked with sour soup, peppered convex fish, fried convex fish. But the most delicious is the fatty convex fish that many visitors are fascinated with.

Apricot convex fish is usually served with rice paper, fresh vermicelli and tamarind fish sauce or lemon fish sauce. First, the fish is steamed like any other fish, then fried and flushed with onion fat to create a fatty taste, the meat of the fish is tender and fragrant with characteristic onion fat. This is a specialty that you cannot miss when coming to Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan.

5. Grilled squid teeth

Squid teeth are small lumps of flesh on the head of the squid. Often when preliminary, many people will remove this ink tooth because they think it is inedible. However, the people of Binh Thuan have made an extremely attractive dish from this seemingly inedible part.

The ink teeth after being preliminarily cleaned are seasoned and then strung into skewers and baked on a charcoal stove. If you want this dish to be delicious, the ink teeth must be fresh, when baked, it will be crispier and more attractive. Bake until the squid teeth turn bright golden and smell good, then the dish is ready.

6. Phan Thiet tuna noodles

Rustic and unforgettable, that's what visitors said when talking about Phan Thiet tuna noodles. Tuna noodle soup is a dish rich in the taste of tuna, of tuna stock, the pungent taste of chili pepper and garlic and added freshness when served with herbs, giving diners a rustic, authentic but salty and unforgettable dish.

Currently, this dish is still just a popular, family dish of Phan Thiet people. However, if you have the opportunity to travel here, enjoy this typical Phan Thiet tuna noodle dish.

Coming to the sunny and windy land of Binh Thuan, have you enjoyed any specialties? Share with Migo how you feel right away.


Photo: Internet

Image source: Multiple authors
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