Da Ban Stream

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114 Reviews
Cua Duong, Phu Quoc
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Da Ban stream originates in the Ham Ninh range, in Cua Duong commune, about 8 km from Duong Dong town. The stream is named Table Rock because there are many large colorful rocks, flat as tabletops due to the erosion process of water. People also tell each other about the story of fairies bathing in Da Ban stream every time they descend. Ticket to visit Da Ban stream is 50,000 VND/person. The stream has a gentle slope, associated with the pristine scenery of Phu Quoc natural forest. Here visitors can take a cool bath, have a light meal with food and water to bring, or follow the large rocks to go upstream to admire the different scenery. The right time to visit Da Ban stream is from 5 to 11 months every year.
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25 Reviews

Suối đá bàn là 1 nơi tự nhiên , có nước suối trong veo, mát lạnh, những tảng đá to như cái bàn nên được gọi là Suối Đá Bàn, tới mùa mưa nước suối càng nhiều tạo thành các thác nước từ các tảng đá, dòng nước chảy mạnh,
tuy nhiên những năm gần đây , vì được biết tới nhiều nên lượng khách đến khá nhiều, và ý thức vệ sinh hơi kém, ăn uống vui chơi xong vứt rác bữa bãi, làm ô nhiễm nguồn nước và xung quanh

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Very Good

29 Reviews

This was one of the first places I went off the beaten path, so to speak. It was interesting and fun to explore. Seeing lots of locals along the way. Weather was fantastic and the humming of the jungle beetles intriguing. The waterfalls and pools at the end of our hike were the treat that we stayed and enjoyed for some time. Saw some lizards and a snake. Enjoyable experience!

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