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The three best fish soups in the world in Vietnam

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Three fish dishes from Vietnam including fish sour soup, sweet and sour soup and crazy lingan fish hotpot are in the top 57 best fish-based dishes in the world published by Taste Atlas.

Sour fish soup

Rank 8.

Achieved 4.3/5 stars on the ranking

The famous culinary site describes fish sour soup as a typical Vietnamese dish, sour, spicy, and sweet. The broth is usually combined with ingredients such as tamarind, pineapple, tomato, okra, bean sprouts, or other vegetables.

The fish used to cook soup is usually catfish such as snakehead or salmon. The soup is seasoned with cilantro (the smell of the ship), coriander hug (cilantro) and served with rice.

Viet Nam anh 1

Photo: Ms. Ba Binh Duong

Sweet and sour soup

Rank 19.

Achieved 3.8/5 stars on the ranking

Sweet and sour soup (also known as tamarind and sour soup) originated in the Mekong Delta, then became popular everywhere in Vietnam.

This soup has a contrasting taste - sour, sweet and salty. The soup combines ingredients such as seafood (eel, shrimp, snakehead, catfish), tomatoes, okra, pineapple, tamarind, bean sprouts, and fresh herbs with a sour flavor.

Traditionally, sour soup is served with rice noodles or white rice. There are different versions of sour soup depending on the ingredients used - in addition to fish, sour soup can also be made with water spinach, chicken, bamboo shoots, green cabbage, pork, or beef.

Viet Nam anh 2

Photo: Cookbeo

Crazy Cotton Lingyu Hotpot

Rank 53

Taste Atlas commented that crazy linden hotpot is a traditional dish of Vietnam, originating from Dong Thap province.

This hot pot is made with spirit fish, a local freshwater fish, and crazy flowers. Crazy flowers are often blanched to keep the crispiness as well as the fleshy and greasy taste. The broth includes coconut water, tamarind eaten with water lilies, rafters, and meat broth. The fish is added to the last hot pot.

Fish sauce and hot peppers are indispensable additional spices when eating this unique hot pot.

Photo: Tripadvisor

According to Zing

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